

What did you guys do last weekend? Some of you with the fantastic lives probably did a little traveling. I know my fantastically successful realtor sibling four opened a Rolex watch as a gift from my fantastically generous sibling eight for selling her fantastically awesome and expensive house in Edina, Minnesota in five days.

For me, not so much fabulosity. Despite my pledge upon graduating from old Mankato State University to never, ever do homework again, I did what I had to do. I did some research on blogging.

The bad news for you guys is that I learned I am being a blogging overachiever. Because of my newspaper background, I was under the assumption that all of my little stories had to be well-formulated and have a point. But after spending some time on OPB (other people’s blogs) I now know that I can write about anything I want.

One of the most successful blogs on the internet devotes much of the content to pictures of the author’s four cats doing what they do in a typical day. I guess I am really over-reaching and all you might really want to hear is that we had a bonfire in the backyard last night even though the temperature was 90 degrees, because you can avoid bundling the yard waste for the trash man by burning it and also avoid any kitchen mess associated with preparing dinner by searing a few brats over the flames.

Something great happened to my third child (the Brainiac) this weekend that was the cause for much celebration. Checking the mail for college literature like she does every day, she held an envelope high in the air and announced: “Well. Harvard wants me.”

No. Not the acceptance letter. An offer to visit. But hey. It’s nice to be invited.

Also, after being dumped by her pretend boyfriend in a text message (how rude), my fourth child (The Athlete) hooked up with someone new and they went to open gym so she could embarrass him by showing him all of the tricks she knows. There was a mom next to me with a gymnastics hopeful watching her daughter dedicate herself to learning a full twisting flip for an entire hour and a half while I watched The Athlete teach the new pretend boyfriend how to do a front flip. I think her $10 was better spent.

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