
Let's Share

I was reading today in my new book Blogging for Dummies, which I purchased using my birthday gift card from my good buddy Joan, that the way to get readers to leave comments is to “inspire” them. Being from a family that loves to shop, I had an idea. Let’s all tell each other about a cool new product that we found that has been very useful to us. Then we can learn about everyone else’s favorite product and other people will be writing things and that will give me time to work on the horrendous project my zany brother Joe gave me to diagram complex sentences for some artsy thing he is working on.

Because bribes have been a useful tool to me so far in my life, I am going to continue the trend and give the person who reports on the item my blog administrator Amy finds the most useful a $10 Walmart gift card just to get on my husband’s nerves because he hates Walmart and all it represents.

O.K. so here we go: My favorite new product are are the little single fertilizing packets made by Miracle Gro. They are these great little tubes which probably get low marks from my family in Colorado who are into the Green movement because they probably hate the waste of all the packaging and they would never dream of fertilizing with anything chemical, but I have a business to run and my busy clients, who don’t even have time to plant their own garden containers, certainly appreciate these things. You can pick up a bag of about 20 at Walmart or somewhere similar for under $10. If you dump one into the watering can twice a week, your containers will look very lush and colorful. Especially if I planted them in the first place☺


Anonymous said...

From your Momma..........

Here's a product for your contest: It's a super garden tool to make your gardening life easier without breaking the bank. I got the small one from my sister Mary for my birthday and it is so great. Go to www.circlehoe.com and order this little gem to help make your gardening life a breeze.

Anonymous said...

My favorite invention right now is earplugs! Very useful for trying to block out the hysterical cries of your almost-seven-month-old who you're trying to get to sleep through the night! A pillow over the head just isn't as effective, and also makes it quite hard to breathe.

Anonymous said...

My sister who likes Attachment Parenting will say you should just bring your baby into bed with you. A blog on that is coming up and should inspire some good conversation.

Lisa Madel said...

Hey mom thanks for playing.
I went to checkout your circlehoe and the lady in charge of responding back to emails said she also has a gardening blog. Big deal. I thought I was so unique but everyone has a blog.
I know what you are saying, mom. You are saying my blog is the best. That's why you are a great mom. I bet you even believe that!
Well, you are making it a better blog by participating and I appreciate that. Plus, you are helping me learn about great things like this circlehoe which I am going to order!

Anonymous said...

You are all wrong. The best invention in all the land is the 100-calorie-pack. Not only are you able to count calories, but it is the most perfectest size of snack. I mean, the doritos are these little cute tiny things that are fun to eat and you think you are getting way more than you are because you get to eat 22 of them for 100 calories instead of 5. I <3 100-calorie snack packs!

Anonymous said...

I wanted to play, but now I'm too sad.

Anonymous said...


If you choose to comment anonymously and want to enter this contest, you need to put your name/identity in the comment.



Lisa Madel said...

I know the 100-calorie pack entry is from The Overachiever, because she leaves the most threatening notes on those.

Anonymous said...

My dream job would be a product tester. I love gadgets! My latest favorite (purchased at Walgreen's, $1.99 for a pkg of 2) is Tube Press which works on all tubes - toothpaste, lotions, glue - you name it - to squeeze out every bit of the tube contents. Two hard plastic rods banded together with a hard rubber ring fit over the tube end and compress the tube contents as you slide it up. Easy, no more waste.

My Shelfari Bookshelf

Shelfari: Book reviews on your book blog
Brighter Planet's 350 Challenge

Plastic Bag Counter

Plastic bags consumed this year:

5-K results

  • 9/18/08 - second 5-K - 34 minutes
  • 9/7/08 - first 5-K! - 39 minutes
  • 9/2/08 - 104 mailboxes
  • 9/1/08 - 84 mailboxes
  • 8/29/08 - 60 mailboxes
  • 8/26/08 - 53 mailboxes
  • 8/24/08 - 48 mailboxes
  • 8/10/2008 - 23 mailboxes (in honor of The Overachievers' 23rd birthday)
  • 07/25/2008 - 13 mailboxes

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